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Working Paper 2018

Working Paper No. Title Author's Name
WP 2018/36 Study of the Opportunities and Challenges in Retail Industry in Indonesia: A Review Paper Zameer, Asif
WP 2018/35 Progress towards Gender Equality: A Study of Women in Indonesia Buddhapriya, Sanghamitra
WP 2018/34 Firm Level Determinants of Cash Holding: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia Joshi, Himanshu
WP 2018/33 Patient Attitudes and Intentions to Adopt Technologies in Diabetes Self-Management Mishra, Vinaytosh
WP 2018/32 Intrinsic Motivational Potential Predicting Academic Performance: A Study of the Future Managers Buddhapriya, Sanghamitra
WP 2018/31 Insights into Dutch Corporate Governance Code 2008 and Analysis of its Compliance by The Netherlands Listed Companies Gupta, Ambrish
WP 2018/30 Developments And Innovations In Human Resource Management: An Evolutionary Perspective Majumdar, Bishakha
WP 2018/29 Fair Employee Treatment and Financial Characteristics of Firms Joshi, Himanshu
WP 2018/28 Input Diversification and Asset Performance in Indian I.T. Industry Chauhan, Rajneesh & Bera, Subhasis
WP 2018/27 Changing Buying Behavior of Global Consumers: A Caselet of Dutch Consumers in Netherlands Narula, Anupam
WP 2018/26 UDAYAN CARE - Transforming Lives Lal, Anita Tripathy
WP 2018/25 Hello When in Russia Say- Zdravstvuyte! Lal, Anita Tripathy
WP 2018/24 System Dynamics Modelling for Reverse Logistics Supply Firm Sharma, Mohita Gangwar
WP 2018/23 Can India Produce Enough Doctors and Ensure 'Health for All'? Potnuru, Basant
WP 2018/22 Are Higher Education Institution Websites 'International Students' Friendly? Analyzing Higher Education Institution Websites in Netherlands Tripathi, Rakhi
WP 2018/21 Impact of Corporate Governance Measures on Corporate Performance: Comparative Analysis of Firms Based on their Market Capitalization and Management Gupta, Vandana
WP 2018/20 System Dynamics Modelling for Humanitarian Supply Chain Mishra, Vinaytosh
WP 2018/19 Understanding the Evolution in the Concepts of Organized Retailing in India Zameer, Asif
WP 2018/18 Ind AS 113 Fair Value Measurement: It's Implications for Corporate Financial Reporting Gupta, Ambrish
WP 2018/17 Option Trading, Information Asymmetry and Firm Innovativeness: Evidence from India Joshi, Himanshu
WP 2018/16 Methods for Stimulating Creativity and Innovation in Marketing Swaminathan, Freda
WP 2018/15 Challenges of Touch Point Marketing Techniques faced by Kimberly Clark in India: A Case study of Huggies Brand Narula, Anupam
WP 2018/14 Cultural Sensitivity and Conflict Handling Styles in Cross-Cultural Settings Bhatt, Prachi
WP 2018/13 Modelling using Progressive Type-II Censoring for Reciprocal Exponential Distribution Kaur, Sumeet
WP 2018/11 A Paradigm Shift from Information to Transaction: A Longitudinal Study of HEI Websites in India Tripathi, Rakhi
WP 2018/10 International Migration of Doctors: A Case of Indian Doctors in the UK Potnuru, Basant
WP 2018/09 School Principals As Leaders: Major Research Trends And Future Directions Majumdar, Bishakha
WP 2018/08 Inventory Management under Partial Trade Credit Policy Kumar, Alok
WP 2018/07 Creating a Watch Dog Culture for Ethical Standards in Indian Advertising Swaminathan, Freda
WP 2018/06 Study of Factors Influencing the Consumers' Adoption of Online Shopping: Empirical Analysis from Pakistan Zameer, Asif
WP 2018/05 People Issues in the Telecom Industry and HR Preparedness: A Study of Select Telecom Companies in India Buddhapriya, Sanghamitra
WP 2018/04 Organizational Culture Study based on Hofstede's Multi-Focus Model Bhatt,Prachi
WP 2018/03 Factors Influencing Consumer Perception to Buy Online & Offline Kaur, Sumeet
WP 2018/02 The Impact of Span of Control on the Influence of Ethical Leadership: LMX & OCB Jaiswal, Priyanka
WP 2018/01 Does Introduction of Single Stock Options Impact Stock Volatility: Empirical Evidence from Underlying Stocks in Indian Market Joshi, Himanshu

Executive Education/MDPs

FORE School of Management has been designing, developing and conducting innovative Executive Education (EE)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for working executives in India for over three decades.