
                                           Admission in Full-Time Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) AY 2025-26. (Apply Online )  | Admission in Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM) AY 2025-26. (Apply Online )

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Membership and Privileges

General Rules for Library Members

  1. All bonafide students and alumni of FSM can become a member of the Library by filling the prescribed form, which is available on the FSM library website.
  2. Students are required to enter their identity details along with a signature on a register available at the library entrance.
  3. Personal belongings, e.g. bags, laptop bag are not allowed in library. These can be kept with the security counter. However, members may carry laptop, books and note-books for study purposes only. While entering of personal book in the library, users should get the book stamped as "User's Copy" from library counter. Library does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal property left at the counter or inside the library.
  4. Library circulation (documents issue/reissue/return) system is computerized and transaction receipts for library documents are accepted as authenticated proof of transactions.
  5. Users are requested to check their library account after every transaction. Users must make sure to collect the receipt for any payment made to library. Software (Libsys) can be accessed on users’ desktop and users are advised to check their accounts regularly.
  6. Library follows an Open-Access system. Books and other documents once taken from the racks should be left on the table instead of keeping it back in the racks.
  7. In case of renewal, the book should be presented at the counter. Renewal is not automatic. The request for renewal may be turned down, if the same is reserved/required by someone else.
  8. The computer facility has been provided in a library for browsing library materials only. Any usage other than this is prohibited.
  9. The electronic resources available in library are governed by license agreements which limit their usage to FSM. FSM honors the IPR (Intellectual Property Right) and abides by it. User is responsible for using these products only for noncommercial, educational, scholarly or research purposes without systematically downloading, distributing, or retaining indefinitely substantial portions of information.
  10. The list of new arrivals is displayed on the notice board and the books are kept on display shelf for a week. Afterwards, these are available for issue if not meant for NFI (Not for Issue Section).
  11. Faculty and staff members may recommend the title/s to procure in library as per the acquisition policy. A minimum time for procurement and technical processing is required, i.e. 20 days and 2 months for Indian and foreign publications, respectively.
  12. The members must maintain silence and decorum in the library.
  13. The members should verify the issued document/s before leaving the circulation counter. Thereafter, the members are responsible for the documents issued to them. An auto-generated e-mail through library management software (Libsys) related to all transactions, e.g. issue/re-issue, return of any document etc. is sent to the registered e-mail ID. In case of any discrepancy, members are advised to bring it to the notice of library immediately for the corrective action.
  14. The “No Dues Certificate” is issued only after surrendering a membership card and depositing all library dues, books and other items.
  15. Photocopying of any reference material is prohibited. In case a photocopy is required for non-restricted material, the member is required to fill the requisition form and pay the applicable charges.
  16. Librarian may recall any issued document at any time to meet other urgent requirements.
  17. All members are requested to clear their library account once a year by 30th April of the year.
  18. Library has three sections:
    • A. Text Book Section.
    • B. Reference Book Section.
    • C. Not For Issue (NFI) Section: Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Year Books, Dictionaries, Journals / Magazines etc.
  19. The library observes the following timings:
    • Working hour
        Regular Timings During Summer Internship
      Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m
      Saturday 10.00 a.m to 6.00 p.m 10.00 a.m to 6.00 p.m
    • Circulation Timings
        Regular Timings During Summer Internship
      Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
      Saturday 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
  20. Library remains closed on Sundays and declared holidays by the institute. The timings and holidays may change and will be notified through the notice board displays.

Rules for Students

  1. Borrowing facilities are available to the students against Bar-coded membership cum Identity card issued to them. Books are issued from the counter on presenting the Bar-coded card. Library Membership cum Identity Card is non- transferable. No one is allowed to get books issued on other member’s card.
  2. Entitlement of Books: Borrowing facility is available as per the entitlement.
    2 Reference Books for 14 Days; 10 Book Bank Books for 90 Days
  3. If a book is not returned within the stipulated time. The student will be charged a fine of Rs. 5/- per book per day after the due date is over. After 30 days delay, membership will be terminated; and the students will have to apply for fresh membership.
  4. They are advised to maintain silence and library decorum, viz., (a) To behave decently, (b) Be properly dressed, (c) Not to - disturb others, smoke, eat, chew, and use mobile phones, etc. Any irregularities may kindly be brought to the notice of librarian.
  5. If any student is found indulging in book hiding, damaging, stealing, etc., he/ she will be fined as per following rules. Further disciplinary action may also be taken by the disciplinary committee, if deemed fit.
    • A. Book Hiding: Minimum fine Rs.250/- plus suspension of library membership for a period of one month. On repeat of the act, minimum fine of Rs.500/- plus termination of library membership.
    • B. Book Damaging: Minimum fine of Rs.1000/- plus replacement of document, suspension of library membership for a period of one month and mandatory disciplinary action by the appropriate disciplinary committee of the institute.
    • C. Book Stealing: Minimum fine of Rs.2000/- plus recovery of book, suspension of library membership for a minimum period of one term and mandatory disciplinary action by the appropriate disciplinary committee of the institute.
  6. Loss of Books: -
    • A. If an issued document (book, report etc.) has been misplaced, damaged or lost by the student, then the same must be replaced with the latest edition by the student. If this replacement is not done, then the student will be charged twice the current replacement cost or twice the original procurement cost, whichever is higher. In addition to the above, students also must pay the late fine as admissible.
    • B. If an issued document a multi-volume set (book, report etc.) has been misplaced, damaged or lost by the student, then the whole set must be replaced with the latest edition by the student. If this replacement is not done, then the student will be charged twice the current replacement cost or twice the original procurement cost, whichever is higher. In addition to the above, students also must pay the late fine as admissible.
  7. Loss of Membership Card:-
    • A. Students are responsible for their membership card issued to them and will be responsible for any loss due to the misuse of the lost card. Loss of card should be reported to the library immediately.
    • B. The duplicate card will be issued to students by charging Rs.1000/-.

Membership, Entitlement Policy and Rules for FSM Alumni

  1. Borrowing facilities are available to the Alumni member against Bar-coded membership cum Identity card issued to them. They have to deposit a security of Rs.5000/- to the accounts and that has to be maintained during the membership tenure. The security deposit will be free from interest and no return in lieu of will be paid to them.
  2. There will be no membership fee for first five years. The policy will be reviewed after five years and an appropriate fee structure may be proposed, if required. Those who will discontinue membership and withdraw their security within four year, a certain percentage of amounts mentioned in the following table will be deducted from their security deposit.
    Sr. Period First year Second year Third year Fourth year
    1 % 20 15 10 5
  3. Books are issued from the counter on presenting the Bar-coded Library Membership card which is non- transferable. No one is allowed to get books issued on other member’s card. The value of issued books will not be more than the security deposit amount. The entitlement of Borrowing of books is available to them as per the entitlement.
    Documents Entitlement Duration
    Books including bound volumes of journals 2 60 days
  4. If a book is not returned within the stipulated time. They will be charged a fine of Rs.1/- per book per day after the due date is over. If the outstanding overdue amount is Rs.1000 or more, the library will temporarily terminate the alumnus right to avail of the library facilities. The alumnus can continue using the facilities after returning the books and paying the overdue amount.
  5. They are advised to maintain silence and library decorum, viz., (a) To behave decently, (b) Be properly dressed, (c) Not to - disturb others, smoke, eat, chew, and use mobile phones, etc. Any irregularities may kindly be brought to the notice of librarian.
  6. Loss of Books: -
    1. If an issued document (book, report, etc.) has been misplaced, damaged or lost by the student, then the same must be replaced with the latest edition by the students. If this replacement is not done, then the student will be charged twice the current replacement cost or twice the original procurement cost, whichever is higher. In addition to the above, student also must pay the late fine as admissible.
    2. If an issued document of multi- volume set (book, report, etc.) has been misplaced, damaged or lost by the student, then the whole set must be replaced with the latest edition by the students. If this replacement is not done, then the student will be charged twice the current replacement cost or twice the original procurement cost, whichever is higher. In addition to the above, student also must pay the late fine as admissible.
  7. Loss of Membership Card:-
    1. They are responsible for their membership card issued to them and will be responsible for any loss due to the misuse of the lost card. Loss of card should be reported to the library immediately.
    2. The duplicate card will be issued by charging Rs.100/-.
Download Membership Form Form For Duplicate Card
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