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Author's Name | Article Title | Publications Details |
Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Redesigning of Urban Safety Measurement Model Analysing Crime Standpoints | The Indian Journal of Criminology, Vol. 46 & 47, 2018-2019, pp.16-31. |
Prof. Mohita Gangwar Sharma | Chapter Tile “An Analysis of the Innovation Ecosystem of Russia Based on the Global Innovation Index Reports” | Edited Book Prof. Jitendra Kumar Das & Prof. Hitesh Arora, Reinventing INDO-RUSSIA Relations Book Pages 211-120, ISBN: 978-93-88002-35-6 |
Prof. Savita Gautam | Book Title “WTO Demystified Fundamentals and the Indian Perspective" | Book, Pages 153, ISBN: 978-93-00000-00-0 |
Prof. Vinay Kumar Dutta | Chapter Tile “Banking Sectors in the Russian Federation and India: A Comparison” | Edited Book Prof. Jitendra Kumar Das & Prof. Hitesh Arora, Reinventing INDO-RUSSIA Relations Book Pages 121-139, ISBN: 978-93-88002-35-6 |
Prof. Jitendra Kumar Das & Prof. Hitesh Arora | Book Title “Reinventing INDO-RUSSIA Relations” | Edited Book Prof. Jitendra Kumar Das & Prof. Hitesh Arora, Reinventing INDO-RUSSIA Relations Book, Pages 204, ISBN: 978-93-88002-35-6 |
Prof. Ambrish Gupta | Chapter Title “Comparative Study of Financial Performance of Bank of Russia and Reserve Bank of India | Edited Book Prof. Jitendra Kumar Das & Prof. Hitesh Arora, Reinventing INDO-RUSSIA Relations Book Pages 58-81, ISBN: 978-93-88002-35-6 |
Prof. Sanghamitra Buddhapriya | Chapter Title “Women of Russia: Betwixt Ambition and Tradition” | Edited Book Prof. Jitendra Kumar Das & Prof. Hitesh Arora, Reinventing INDO-RUSSIA Relations Book, Pages 1-22, ISBN: 978-93-88002-35-6 |
Prof. Rakhi Tripathi | Chapter Title “Role of Web Analytics for a Transactional E-government Portal: A Comparative Study of Indian and Russian Railway Portals” | Edited Book Prof. Jitendra Kumar Das & Prof. Hitesh Arora, Reinventing INDO-RUSSIA Relations Book Pages 95-110, ISBN: 978-93-88002-35-6 |
Prof. Asif Zameer | Chapter Title “Russia: A Study of the Food and Grocery Retail Sector” | Edited Book Prof. Jitendra Kumar Das & Prof. Hitesh Arora, Reinventing INDO-RUSSIA Relations Book, Pages 38-57, ISBN: 978-93-88002-35-6 |
Prof. Himanshu Joshi | Chapter Title “Russian Ruble Exchange Rate: A Univariate Time Series Analysis” | Edited Book Prof. Jitendra Kumar Das & Prof. Hitesh Arora, Reinventing INDO-RUSSIA Relations Book, Pages 23-37, ISBN: 978-93-88002-35-6 |
Prof. Somayya Madakam & Takahiro Uchiya | Chapter Title : Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): Principles, Processes and Protocols | Edited Book “The internet of things in the industrial sector – Security and device connectivity, smart environments, and industry 4.0” Zaigham Mahmood (eds), Page No. :35-53 ISSN:978-3-030-24891-8 |
Sekhar, Chandra | The Inclusion of Sustainability in Management Education Institutions | International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 21, No.2 2020, pp. 200-226 ISSN Print: 0974-438X |
Madakam, Somayya | Would be Smart Balinese Cities : An Exploratory Indonesian Case | Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Vol. 17, 2020, pp. 200-226 ISSN Online: 1807-1775 |
Gupta, Ambrish | ITC Limited : Segment Reporting | Case Centre UK, 2020, Case Reference No. 120-0005-1 |
Harshita., Singh, Shveta., & Prakash, Puneet | Financial Technology : a Review of Extant Literature | Studies in Economics and Finance Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 74-88, 2020 ISSN Print: 0972-6527 ISSN online: 0973-0710nce |
Mishra, Vinaytosh | A Phased Approach for Adaptation of Telemedicine in Diabetes Management | Health Policy and Technology Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 74-88, 2020 ISSN Print: 2211-8837 |
Sharma, Mohita G., & Mishra, Vinaytosh | System Dynamics Modelling for Research Logistics Supply Firm | Pacific Business Review International, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 72-80, 2020 ISSN Print: 0974-438X |
Mishra, Vinaytosh | Customized Quality Assessment Framework for Diabetes Care | International Journal for Quality Research, Vol- 14, No-1, pp-129-146, 2019 ISSN: 1800-6450 |
Khattri, Varsha., & Tomar,Vivek Singh | Internet Usage and Its Impact on Perception towards Online Shopping | Pacific Business Review International, Vol- 11, No-6, pp- 47-60. 2019 ISSN : 0974-438X |
Kumari, Pooja., & Shankar, Amit | A Study of Factors Affecting Mobile Governance (mGov) Adoption Intention in India using an Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) | South Asian Journal of Management, Vol- 26, No-4, pp- 71-94. 2019 ISSN : 0974-438X |
Arora, Hitesh & Arora, Padmasai | Efficiency of Thrift Agents of Small Urban Borrowers: The Case of Scheduled Urban Cooperative Banks (SUCBs) in India | International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol- 19, No- 4, pp-434-451, 2019 ISSN: 1753-0806 eISSN : 1753-0814 |
Kumari, Pooja & Mishra, C.S. | Value Relevance of R&D Reporting in India: Significance of Intangible Intensity | Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting, Vol-17, No-3, pp-432-448, 2019 ISSN: 1985-2517 eISSN:2042-5856 |
Kumari, Pooja & Shankar, Amit | Exploring the enablers and inhibitors of electric vehicle adoption intention from sellers’ perspective in India: A view of the dual-factor model | International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing, Vol-24, No-3, 2019 ISSN: 1465-4520 eISSN : 1479-103X |
Ahmed, Faisal & Mishra, Vinaytosh | Estimating relative immediacy of water-related challenges in Small Island Development States (SIDS) of the Pacific Ocean using AHP modeling. | Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol-6, No-1, June 2019 ISSN: 2363-6203 Online ISSN: 2363-6211 |
Sharma, Gagan | Information Linkages among BRICS Countries: Empirical Evidence from Implied Volatility Indices | Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Vol.-18, No-3 December 2019, pp. 263-289, ISSN:0972-6527 eISSN:0973-0710 |
Yadav, Mayank., Joshi, Yatish., Sangroya, Deepak., & Srivastava, Anugamini Priya | Modelling the predictors of young consumers sustainable consumption intention | International journal of non-profit and voluntary sector markets, Vol 24, No-4, 2019: pp. 1-14, 2019 ISSN: 1465-4520 eISSN: 1479-103X |
Gupta, Ambrish | Pawan Hans Limited : Windows Dressing in Financial Statements | Case Centre UK, 2019 Reference No-119-0072-1 |
Taneja, Shallini., & Narula, Anupam | Examining Factors Affecting Consumer’s Attitude towards the Imported Decorative LED Lighting Products in India | Abhigyan, Vol 37, No-3, PP. 23-32, 2019 ISSN: 0970-2385 |
Khattri, Varsha, | Zomato: Crisis In Communication | Case Centre UK,519-0166-1 |
Bhatt, Prachi | Employees’ Perception about change in jobs and organizational orientations | International Journal of Employment Studies, Vol 27, No.1, pp.34-63, 2019; ISSN:1039-6993 |
Raina, Reeta | Interpersonal assertive communication behavior of Indian millennials | The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol 55, No.2, pp. 321-337, 2019; ISSN:0019-5308 |
Joshi, Himanshu | Cash Holding or Net Debt, which is More Relevant for Indonesian firms? | The South East Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2019, pp:18-36; ISSN :1978-1989; E-ISSN:2355-6641 |
Kumar, Alok & Kumar, Chanda, U. | Optimization of EOQ Model for New Products Under Multi-Stage Adoption Process | International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol. 16. No. 2, 2019, 1950015-1-25; ISSN:0219-8770 ; E-ISSN:1793-6950 |
Khattri, Varsha., De, Abhik., & Sethi, Rashmi | Pitch Imperfect : A Study on Advertising that Hides | Case Centre UK, 2019 Case Reference No.519-0116-8 |
Kumar, Alok & Chanda, Udayan | Optimal ordering policy for short life-cycle products under credit financing with dynamic adoption in supply chain | Journal of Management Analytics Vol 6, No.3,2019: pp.269-301 DOI/10.1080/23270012.2019.1614488 Issn: 2327-0012 (print) E-Issn: 2327-0039 |
Daniel, Sunita & Budfhwar, Nisha | A model for malaria transmission dynamics with varying human interaction coefficients | International Journal of Simulation, Systems, Science and Technology Vol 20, No.4, pp:2.1-2.9, 2019 Available at DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.20.04.02 ISSN : 14738031 print, 1473804X online |
Madakam ,Somayya & Uchiya ,Takahiro | Chapter Title : Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): Principles, Processes and Protocols | In The Internet of Things in the Industrial Sector Zaigham Mahmood(ed) Page No. :35-53, 2019 Springer Publication Switzerland, ISBN:978-3-030-24891-8 |
Bhama, Vandana; Pramod Kumar Jain & Surendra Singh Yadav | Pecking Order Test at Varying Debt Levels: A Comparative Study of Indian and Chinese Firms | Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Vol.18, No.2, 2019, pp.237-261 eISSN: 0973 - 0710 | ISSN: 0972 - 6527 |
Joshi, Himanshu | Product Market Interventions and Stock Returns : Evidence from Automobile Manufacturing Firms from India | Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets, Vol.6, No.2, 2019, pp. 20-27 ISSN 2394 - 3459 |
Sharma, Mohita Gangwar | Vistara: The U-turn in Catering | Case Centre UK, Case Study Reference No. 619-0034-1 |
Ahmed, Faisal., & Kaur, Sumeet | India's Export Potential with the Arctic Council Countries: A Gravity Model Estimation | Pacific Business Review International. Vol. 11 No.11, 2019 pp. 72-85, ISSN Print: 0974-438X , e-ISSN: 0974-438X |
Das, K, Jitendra., Jain, Shilpi., Basu, Sriparna., & Majumdar, Bishakha | Organic Wellness: Influencing Customer Decisions Via Cause Marketing | Ivey Publishing, Case Study Reference No. 9B19A030, 2019 |
Daniel, Sunita., Budhwar, Nisha | A Study of the Effect of Infective Immigrants in the Transmission of malaria & Dengue by Simulation | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 11,No.06, 2019pp.1176-1181, ISSN Print: 1943-023X |
Daniel, Sunita., Budhwar, Nisha | Comparison of the Transmission Dynamics of SIR Age Structured Model in Malaria and dengue | International journal of simulation systems Science & Technology, Vol. 20, No.3, 2019 pp.5.1-5.5, ISSN Print: 1473-8031, e-ISSN: 1473-804x |
Zameer, Asif., Khan, Irfanullah | Consumer Preference of Private Universities Branding under ‘International’ Tag | International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 5, 2019, pp. 5760-5766, ISSN: 2249-7455 |
Taneja, Shallini., Taneja, Pawan Kumar., Rao, Umesh | Sahaj: A Sustainable Development PPP Model for Empowering Rural Lives | Case Centre UK, Case Reference No. 719-0039-1, 2019 |
Bhatt, Prachi | Perceived National Culture and Behavioural Preference of Professionals Experiencing Corporate Culture - A Study of Emerging Country Multinationals | Pacific Business Review International. Vol. 11 No. 10, 2019 pp. 99-108, ISSN Print: 0974-438X, e-ISSN: 0974-438X |
Bhatt, Prachi | BATNA: Perceived Leverage through Positive Illusion in Conflicts | Conflict Studies Quarterly, Issue 28, 2019, pp. 16-32, ISSN Print: 2285-7605, e-ISSN: 2285-7605 |
Mishra, Vinaytosh | Fuzzy Model for Risks Assessment in a Healthcare Supply Chain | Pacific Business Review International,Vol. 11 No. 9, 2019 pp. 50-61, ISSN Print: 0974-438X, e-ISSN: 0974-438X |
Kapoor, Payal. S., Jayasimha, K. R., Gunta, Srinivas., & Sadh, Ashish. | Facebook Ewom: Self-Shared Versus System-Generated Credibility Cue | International Journal of Online Marketing, Vol. 9 No. 3, 2019 pp. 23-48, ISSN Print: 2156-1753, e-ISSN: 2156-1745 |
Sharma, Mohita Gangwar., & Kumar, Sunil | Vendor Selection for a Power Project | Case Centre UK, Case Reference No. 619-0019-1, 2019 |
Gupta, Ambrish | A Study into the Acceptance Level of Corporate Governance Code 2008 by Dutch Listed Companies | Indian Journal of Finance, Vol. 13 No. 5, 2019, pp. 25-36, ISSN Print: 0973-8711 |
Madakam, Somayya., Ramaswamy, R., & Hema, Date | Quality of Life @Palava Smart City: A Case Study | Global Business Review, Vol. 20 No. 3, 2019, pp. 708-742, , ISSN Print: 0972-1509, ISSN Online: 0973-0664 |
Raina, Reeta & Marchewka, Malgorzata | FORE - UEK Telecollaboration 2017 – virtual exchange in business studies | (online journal) 2019, pp 1-7 DOI: |
Joshi, Himanshu Joshi & Bhatt, Prachi | Fair Employee Treatment and Financial Characteristics of Firms | Theoritical Economics Letters, Vol 6 No.1, 2019, pp 929-946, ISSN Print: 2162-2078 ISSN online: 2162-2086 |
Harshita., Singh, Shveta & Yadav, Surendra S. | Unique Calendar Effects in the Indian Stock Market: Evidence and Explanations | Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Vol. 18, No. (1S) 2019, pp 35S-58S, ISSN Print: 0972-6527 ISSN online: 0973-0710 |
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