Admission in Full-Time Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) AY 2025-26. (Apply Online ) | Admission in Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM) AY 2025-26. (Apply Online )
Dates: 7-9 September, 2022
Programme Director: Prof. Prachi Bhatt , Dr. Sanghamitra Buddhapriya , Prof. Chitra Khari
Mode: Online Mode
Competent people are asset to any successful organization and thus are of great value. Here, an important research tool i.e. psychometric testing plays a crucial role in enabling the identification and consequent development of the competencies. Psychometric testing finds its implications for HR professionals as part of HR endeavors like selection, training, promotion, counseling and development, etc. of job incumbents. Also, research-based understanding of the same is beneficial to handle people related issues.
Understanding of psychometrics is concerned with the comprehension of theory and technique of psychological measurement, which aids basically in the measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and personality traits. The field is primarily concerned with the construction and validation of measurement instruments and its administration.
This workshop has been designed with an aim to familiarize the participants with measurement concepts & tools and improve selection and application of psychometric tests. Enabling participants to identify situations for which standardized tests can be used and where tests need to be developed. Training in the effective administration and interpretation of psychometric tests is also the objective of the program
After completion of the faculty development program, an e-certificate will be provided to participants.
Program would be delivered online: 3 days; 4 hours per day
Sessions would be delivered through a combination of:
All those who deal with psychometrics and testing within or outside the organization will benefit most from the program. Thus, the workshop will be useful for:
Particulars | Fee for Online |
Faculty Members | INR 1770 |
Student/Research Scholars | INR 1180 |
Corporate Executives | INR 2360 |
GST @18% included in fee amount, as applicable
Dates : 7-9 September, 2022 (Wed , Thru)
Timing : 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM (Online Mode) on each day
Program Duration : 12 hours (spread over 3 days)
Prof. Prachi Bhatt: Professor in Organization Behavior & Human Resources Management at FORE School of Management. She is Ph.D. and Masters in Human Resource Management (Gold Medalist). She has over 13 years of research, teaching and training experience. Her Ph.D. research deals with HRD paradigm shift in High Performing Organizations. She is Certified in Negotiation Research and Teaching from one of the world's best Business Schools - Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA. She is an active participant in conferences & seminars and has papers to her credit and has published in National and International refereed journals of repute. She has also co-authored a book titled “Riding the New Tides: Navigating the Future Through Effective People Management”, published by Emerald Publishing (India) in 2017. She also has to her credit book-chapters in the books published by Emerald Publishing (India), Bloomsbury Publishing houses. Negotiation Skill, Competency Mapping and Management, Psychometric Research, Intrinsic Motivation, Cultural studies, are her areas of interests. Her research experience and corporate association cover projects with Zydus Cadila Healthcare Ltd., Ahmedabad, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd, Anand, and Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi. She has designed and conducted MDPs for corporate executives in both public and private sector organizations. She is also Head, Centre for Psychometric Testing & Research (CPTR) at FORE. She can be reached at: <>.
Dr. Sanghamitra Buddhapriya
Prof. Sanghamitra Buddhapriya is a Professor in the Department of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at FORE School of Management, New Delhi. She has more than 26 years of experience in research, teaching, training and consulting. She received the University Gold Medal for securing First Class First Position in M.A in Personnel Management and Labour Welfare. She is a PhD from Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi. She received the Prestigious Shastri-Indo Canadian Faculty Research Fellowship and did her Post- Doctoral research from Mc Master University, Hamilton, Canada. Her research interest lies in mentoring relationship, diversity management, and gender issues in management, work-life balance, and stress at work. She has authored two books and published many research articles in referred national and international journals. Prof. Sanghamitra conducts open and in-company management development programmes across level for leading public and private sector organizations like Engineers India Ltd, Powergrid, ONGC, IOC, OIL NHPC, MMTC, SAIL, THDC, NBCC, LNG Petronet, Sentiss Pharma, ITD Cementation to name a few. She enjoys conducting management development programmes on wide range of topics like leadership, team building, motivation, emotional intelligence, work-life balance, gender sensitivity, mentoring and coaching, interpersonal skills, managerial effectiveness, organizational culture, problem solving and decision making, creativity and innovation. She was selected as a resource person for training women civil servant on gender issues in management. She is also the Dean (Academics) at FORE. She can be reached at <>
Prof. Chitra Khari
Prof. Chitra Khari is an Assistant Professor in the area of Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management at FORE School of Management. She completed her Ph.D. at the Department of Management studies, Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi), in the area of positive organizational scholarship. She has been awarded scholarship for her doctoral studies. She is the recipient of Fetzer scholarship given by MSR division of Academy of Management, US. She has presented her research work in national and international conferences such as Academy of Management, US. She can be reached at: <>
FORE School of Management, New Delhi is a leading business school in India. The institute offers the following programs: PGDM, PGDM (IB), PGDM (Financial Management), PGDM (Big Data Analytics), PGDM (Executive), and Fellow Program in Management (FPM).
The programs are approved by the All India Council for Technical Education. The PGDM and PGDM (IB) programs at FORE are accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and are equivalent to MBA as granted by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
FORE School of Management has also been granted SAQS Accreditation for a period of five years with effect from December 2017. FORE School of Management has institutional memberships of India Habitat Centre, New Delhi; Asian Regional Training and Development Organization (ARTDO) International, Philippines; Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS), Hyderabad; National HRD Network (Delhi Chapter); Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), New Delhi; BRICS Chamber of Commerce & Industry, New Delhi; National Science Library: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR), New Delhi; American Center Library, New Delhi; The Case Centre, England; and, the United Nations Global Compact Network India, among others.
FORE School of Management also has academic partnerships with leading institutions including the following: Rennes School of Business, France; ESCE International Business School, Paris, France; Vietnam National University, HCM; University of Law and Economics, Vietnam; Kathmandu University School of Management, Kathmandu, Nepal; the University of California, Riverside (IEP), USA; University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University, Sweden; European Institute for Asian Studies, Luxemburg; and, Risk Management Institute, National University of Singapore
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Executive Education Office
FORE School of Management
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New Delhi 110016
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FORE School of Management has been designing, developing and conducting innovative Executive Education (EE)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for working executives in India for over three decades.