
                                           Admission in Full-Time Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) AY 2025-26. (Apply Online )  | Admission in Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM) AY 2025-26. (Apply Online )

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Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Python

Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Python

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Duration: 2 days
Dates: August 20-21, 2020
Programme Director:Prof. Lalit K Jiwani
Fees: Rs. 16,000 (Non-Residential), Rs. 28,000 (Residential) Plus GST @18%


The program focusses on the fundamentals important Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithm used in business scenario. It also shows the implementation of these algorithms in solving business problems using Python, Tensorflow and Keras framework.


Following is the tentative list of topics (to be updated)




Machine Learning, Problems it can solve and Computing Environment


Python - Data Structure, Plotting using Matplotlib and Seaborn


Machine Learning Algorithms – Clustering, Decision Tree, Random Forrest, xgboost, Neural Network


Deep Learning – Foundation and Key Algorithms


Optimizing the Deep Learning Algorithm


Reinforced Learning


Lecture, Cases and Hands on execution of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms use in Business Applications.


SME/Start-ups/Private Companies/Government Organisations/Educational Institutions


Managers/Executives/Researchers who want to explore data for making decision and reports.


Ph.D. (Signal Processing) and M.Tech. (IC) from Department of Electrical Engineering (EE), IIT Delhi. Experienced academician and researcher having worked with leading academic institution and technology industry like IIT Delhi, NIT and Motorola. Earlier with Motorola he has worked in the design of computer systems. He has keen interest in computing and algorithms. His primary thrust is in the creation and application of Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics for Business and Management. He has teaching and research interest in the area of Digital Signal Processing, Statistics and Random Processes, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition and Deep Learning, NLP, Image and Video Processing. He is specially interested in the role of technology in business and value creation. He has presented his work in leading conferences of IEEE and European Signal Processing Society in USA, Canada, Denmark, Singapore and India. He was the Session Chair for 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2016) Singapore. He is a member of IEEE and IEEE Signal PIEEE and IEEE Signal Processing Society.

Executive Education/MDPs

FORE School of Management has been designing, developing and conducting innovative Executive Education (EE)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for working executives in India for over three decades.