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Leveraging Women Professionals’ Capabilities: A Leadership Development Perspective

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Duration: 2 days 
Timings: 10 AM - 530PM 
Dates:  January 22- 23, 2025
Programme Director: Prof. Sanghamitra Buddhapriya
Mode: Offline 
Fees :  (Classroom): Rs.16,000/- Plus GST @18%
           (Residential): Rs. 26,000/- Plus GST @18%
Programme Introduction:
There has been a significant increase in the number of women in the managerial profession in India. However, there is still an under-representation of women in leadership roles. Stereotypes and challenges for female professionals continue to impact their career growth and influence, resulting in a leadership gap. Additionally, in many cases, competent and achievement motivated women, when faced with a conflict between their feminine image and leveraging their competencies or developing their abilities and interests, tend to adjust their behaviours to their internalized sex-role stereotypes, limiting their career progression.
In this training programme on “Leveraging women’s capabilities: A Leadership Development Perspective” issues, challenges and barriers faced by women professionals while playing their leadership roles, and issues related to work-life balance will be discussed. This programme will provide professional growth opportunity to the women professionals by creating a deep understanding of the pertinent issues and taking appropriate actions. The discussions around the theme would help in building a mindset desirable for playing leadership roles in an effective manner.
Programme Objectives:
To make the women professionals understand the roles and responsibilities of an effective leader in the corporate world.
To question the myths related to gender, break mental barriers around them and act more professionally.
To make the participants aware of the challenges women professionals usually encounter while working with their male counterparts and to build requisite capabilities to address them effectively.
To manage personal and professional responsibilities effectively and build leadership capabilities.
Programme Contents:
Leveraging women’s capabilities- A strategic issue
Roles and responsibilities of an effective Leader 
Challenges of women leaders
Behavioural dimensions influencing career decisions 
Managing multiple responsibilities
Integrating work and life
Programme Methodology:
Training will be delivered through the use of interactive methods. These will include: Self-assessment inventories, Case study, Simulation , Lecture
Programme Faculty:
Prof. Sanghamitra Buddhapriya 
Prof. Sanghamitra Buddhapriya is the Dean (Academics) at FORE School of Management, New Delhi. She is a Professor and in the Area of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. She has more than twenty-seven years of experience in teaching, research, training and consulting. She received the University Gold Medal for securing First Class First Position in M.A in Personnel Management and Labour Welfare. She is a PhD from Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi. She received the Prestigious Shastri-Indo Canadian Faculty Research Fellowship and did her Post- Doctoral research from Mc Master University, Hamilton, Canada. Her research interest lies in gender issues in management, work-life balance, stress at work, mentoring relationship, diversity management, and intrinsic motivation. She has authored two books and her book on Women in Management has been well received. She has also published many research articles in referred national and international journals.
Prof. Sanghamitra conducts open and in-company management development programmes across level for leading public and private sector organizations like Engineers India Ltd, Powergrid, ONGC, IOC, OIL, NHPC, STC, MMTC, SAIL, THDC, NBCC, LNG Petronet, Sentiss Pharma, ITD Cementation, RELAXO to name a few. She enjoys conducting management development programmes on wide range of topics like leadership, team building, motivation, emotional intelligence, work-life balance, gender sensitivity, mentoring and coaching, interpersonal skills, managerial effectiveness, organizational culture, problem solving and decision making, creativity and innovation. She was selected as a resource person for training women civil servant on gender issues in management.
Corporate Group Discount: 
One complimentary nomination for every group of three nominations from the same organization, i.e., 3+1 participants for the fee of 3 participants
For registration/enquiries , please mail to or call at +91 9810875278/ + 91-11-41242477

Executive Education/MDPs

FORE School of Management has been designing, developing and conducting innovative Executive Education (EE)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for working executives in India for over three decades.