Admission in Full-Time Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) AY 2025-26. (Apply Online ) | Admission in Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM) AY 2025-26. (Apply Online ) | Application Open for NRI/NRI Sponsored Seats (Click Here )
Duration: 2 days
Timings: 10 AM – 5.30 PM
Dates: November 6–7, 2024
Programme Director: Prof. Hitesh Arora
Fees: Online: Rs.8000 + GST@18%
Offline: Rs.16000 + GST@18%
Residential: Rs.26000 + GST@18%
Complex, technically demanding projects in terms of scope, technologies and regulatory requirements are generally delivered to customers through contractual arrangements involving clients, project management consultants, contractors and sub-contractors. Since these projects are developed in an increasingly challenging environment, a solid understanding of the tendering/contracting process is critical for proper management of projects. The various phases of project management cycle are: project formulation, negotiation, design, documentation, implementation, tracking, monitoring, control and closure.
Many of the projects have failed not due to lack of technical expertise but due to inaccuracies, ambiguities or inconsistencies in the design of project and coordination failure by the team leaders and managers. Understanding the legal underpinnings of projects and managing risks to both technical and contractual delivery is critical to success. Effective project planning, monitoring and control can reduce costs, minimize risks and ensure timely completion of the project. This program is designed to impart necessary skills in managing small and large projects in different domains like construction, infrastructure, power plants, irrigation, industry, etc.
The objective of the program is to acquaint the participants with practical, in-depth guidance for carrying out vital responsibilities of project management and handling uncertainties that typically arise during the life of the project This course exposes participants with various effective approaches for analyzing project initiation, project planning, project execution and smooth project termination along with behavioral aspects of project management.
The methodology would include an appropriate mix of lectures, experience sharing, discussions, case studies and group activities.
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Decision makers, senior and middle level managers involved in planning, implementing and monitoring of projects in power plants, refinery sectors, infrastructural sectors, technology, etc. would benefit from this program.
Dr Hitesh Arora is a Professor in the area of Quantitative Techniques and Operations Management at FORE School of Management, New Delhi. A graduate in Mathematics and a post graduate in Operational Research from University of Delhi, he has earned his Doctorate in Mathematical Programming from Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi. He has qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted jointly by CSIR & UGC for Lectureship with Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Mathematical Sciences.
Prof Arora has over two decades of experience in academics and industry. He started his teaching career from University of Delhi and he has also worked as an Actuarial Consultant with a UK-based MNC. Prof Arora has worked immensely in the area of Mathematical Programming and his present areas of research interest are measurement of Productivity, Service Quality and effect of information technology in Indian banking sector. He has to his credit, a number of research papers in national and international journals of repute. Prof. Arora is also a reviewer of many International Journals. He has also conducted various Management Development Programmes (MDPs) in Decision Making Techniques for Managers and in Project Management. He has presented papers in various National and International Conferences.
Prof. Arora has to his credit five co-edited books namely Malaysia - Challenges and Perspectives; Reviving Italy: Reflections; Vietnam The Emerging Asian Star from a War-Stricken Nation and Reinventing Indo-Russia Relations, published by Bloomsbury Publishing India Private Limited and CSR & Sustainable Development: Strategies, Practices & Business Models published by Routledge -Taylor & Francis Group, U.K.
He has also authored an Indian adaptation book titled Business Statistics - BSTAT: A South-Asian Perspective, published by CENGAGE Learning India Private Limited. Recently he has co-authored a book on ‘Quantitative Techniques in Management’, 6th Edition published by McGraw Hill.
One complimentary nomination for every group of three nominations from the same organization, i.e., 3+1 participants for the fee of 3 participants.
For registration/enquiries , please mail to or call at +91 9810875278/+91-11-46485562 /41242477
FORE School of Management has been designing, developing and conducting innovative Executive Education (EE)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for working executives in India for over three decades.