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PhD, Saurashtra University; M.Phil (Statistics); M.Sc (Statistics); B.Sc (Statistics) - Gujarat University
Contact: 011-41242497
19 Years
Sumeet Kaur is a Professor in Operations Management area. She joined FORE school of Management in 2010. Prior to that she had worked with Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. Apart for teaching she has handled some of the most important Academic and Administrative positons at FORE like Chair (Student Affairs), Chair (Grievance Redressal Committee for students), Area Chair (Quantitative Techniques and Operations Management), Currently she is member in AACSB team.
She has been often invited as Resource person to deliver session on SPSS & Research Methods, Multivariate Data Analysis in various reputed b-schools. She has organized various panel discussions, conclaves and international conference in her areas of interest. She has conducted in-house programme for managers of Engineers India Limited (EIL), India, Relaxo Footwears, Powergrid Corporation of India. She regularly conducts seminars, Management Development Programmes, Faculty Development Programmes and Online Executive Education Programmes in the areas of her expertise. She has good command on software like Excel, AMOS, SmartPls, Minitab, SPSS, R.
She is a member of Board of Studies, Saurashtra University. Advisory editor of International Journal of Basic and Clinical Studies (IJBCS). Referee of African Journal of Agricultural Research, Journal of Iranian Statistical Society.
She has evaluated PhD thesis and taken PhD viva for more than 30 candidates in various university like Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat university, Ahmedabad, Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research University, Udaipur since April 2011.
She has papers to her credit and presented her work in various international and national conferences and forums and regularly contributes research papers and articles to international and national journals of repute.
Business Statistics, Multivariate Data Analysis, Business Research Methods, Decision Modelling Using Spreadsheets, Reliability and Life Testing.
Business Forecasting, Managerial Decision Making, Quantitative Techniques in Advanced Marketing Research, Sampling Techniques.
1) Alghamdi, S. Y., Kaur, S., Qureshi, K. M., Almuflih, A. S., Almakayeel, N., Alsulamy, S., & Qureshi, M. R. N. (2023). Antecedents for online food delivery platform leading to continuance usage intention via e-word-of-mouth review adoption. Plos one, 18(8), e0290247. (Web of Science, Scimago).
2) Sattarapu, P. K., Wadera, D., Nguyen, N. P., Kaur, J., Kaur, S., & Mogaji, E. (2023). Tomeito or Tomahto: Exploring consumer's accent and their engagement with artificially intelligent interactive voice assistants. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1–21. (ABDC-A)
3) Thakuriya, P., Kaur, S. & Mishra, V (2023). Assessment of Blockchain Technology as Remedy to Counterfeit Drugs Problem in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain and Implementation Approach. Oper. Res. Forum 4, 39. (Scopus Indexed).
4) Qureshi, K.M.; Mewada, B.G.; Kaur, S.; Qureshi, M.R.N (2023), “Assessing Lean 4.0 for Industry 4.0 Readiness Using PLS‐SEM towards Sustainable Manufacturing Supply Chain”, Sustainability, 15, 3950. (Web of Science, Scimago).
5) Shilpi Jain, Sriparna Basu, Yogesh K Dwivedi, Sumeet Kaur (2022) “Interactive voice assistants – Does brand credibility assuage privacy risks?”, Journal of Business Research, Volume 139, 701-717 (ABDC: A).
6) Ahmed, F; Kaur, S (2019) “India's Export Potential with the Arctic Council Countries: A Gravity Model Estimation”, Pacific Business Review International, Volume 11, Issue 11, 72-85 (Web of Science Indexed).
7) Sumeet Kaur, G.C.Bhimani, M.N.Patel (2013) “Estimation under progressive Interval Type-I Censoring for Reciprocal Exponential Distribution”, Wulfenia Journal, Volume 20, Issue 4, 388-405 (Web of Science Indexed).
8) Sumeet Arora, G.C. Bhimani, M.N. Patel (2012) “Estimation under Progressive Type-II Censoring for Type-II Generalized Half Logistic Distribution”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(8): 3992-4000. (Scimago Indexed).
9) Sumeet Arora, Sameer Pingle (2010) “Adaptability, Compatibility and Role Perception of Faculty Members in Management Institute-A Pilot study”, WIM Journal of Management, Vol.2, No.1, 19-33.
10) Sumeet Arora, G.C. Bhimani, M.N. Patel (2010) “Some Results on Maximum Likelihood Estimations of Parameters of Generalised Half Logistic Distribution under Type-I Progressive Censoring with Changing Failure Rate”, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 14, 685-698 (H index:11).
11) Sumeet Arora, G.C. Bhimani, M.N. Patel (2008) “Estimation under Progressive Type-II censoring for Length Biased Exponential Distribution", IAPQR Transactions: Journal of Indian Association for Productivity, Quality & Reliability, Volume 33 #2, 83-93.
1) Santosh Dhar, Sumeet Arora, Shital Badshah,Vibha Arora and Gincy V Mathai (2009). Heal with a Touch. 709-022-1.
2) Upinder Dhar, Sameer Pingle, Sumeet Arora, Deepika Chaplot, Sandip Dhakecha (2009). Maruti True Value Tapping the Untapped Market. 509-033-1.
Jitendra K. Das, Mohita Gangwar Sharma, Sumeet Kaur, Alok Kumar (2016), Competing through Operations Excellence Agility, Adaptability & Analytics, Bloomsbury India: New Delhi.
1) Prachi Bhatt, Sumeet Kaur (2015), Strategic HR Intervention for Sustainable Development: A Case Study Approach, Business Sustainability Issues and Challenges, Bloomsbury India: New Delhi.
2) Sumeet Kaur, Sameer Pingle C. Gopalkrishnan (2014), Calorx and Visamo Kids Foundation, The Entrepreneur’s Choice: Cases on Family Business India, Routledge, Taylors & Francis Group.
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