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14 years
Dr. Kaurav is into academics since 2008. Here (at FSM) he is responsible for teaching, training, research, and consultancy. His teaching and research interests include Marketing Management, Services Marketing, Research Methodology, Marketing Research, Marketing Analytics, and Tourism Concepts-Economics-Marketing. He is a professionally acquired trainer for quantitative and qualitative research software and into trainings of SPSS, Jamovi, MAXQDA, NVIVO, and Bibliometric Analysis. He has published research papers to many journals of repute, starting from A in ABDC, Scopus, ABS and WOS. He has been associated with University of Liverpool, UK, BITS-Pilani, and Taylor’s University, Malaysia as an adjunct faculty. He served on various committees of Syllabus and course designing and Member of expert committees on teaching, training and research effectiveness.
Travel Motivation, Destination, Internal Marketing, Intellectual Structure, Bibliometric Analysis, Technology Acceptance Model, Hospitality, Tourism and Hospitality, Religious Tourism
Visual Storytelling, Visualizing Market Reports, Advance Marketing Research, Social Media analytics, Tourism-Destination Marketing
1) Gursoy, D. & Kaurav, R. P. S. (Eds.) (2022). Handbook on Tourism and Social Media. Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar Publishing.
2) Kaurav, R. P. S., Gursoy, D., & Chowdhary, N. (Eds.) (2021). An SPSS Guide for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Researchers. London: Routledge.
3) Kaurav, R. P. S., & Gupta, P. (2022). Trends in Multidiscipline Management Research: Past, Present and Future of FIIB Business Review. FIIB Business Review.
4) Singh, S., & Kaurav, R. P. S. (2022). Is Fear of COVID-19 Leading to Future Career Anxiety and Turnover Intentions? Problematic Social Media Use and Confidence in the Vaccine as a Mediator. Vision.
5) Baber, R., Upadhyay, Y., Baber, P., & Kaurav, R. P. S. (2022). Three Decades of Consumer Ethnocentrism Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Business Perspectives and Research.
6) Kaushal, N., Kaurav, R. P. S., Shivathanu, B. & Kaushik, N. (2021). Artificial Intelligence and human resource management: A systematic review and bibliometric analysis, Management Review Quarterly,
7) Kainthola, S., Chowdhary, N. R., Kaurav, R. P. S. & Tiwari, P. (2021). Motivations of Urban Millennials for Spiritual Travel in India, Tourism Recreation Research 27(5), 481-509.
8) Kaurav, R. P. S., Narula, S., Baber, R., & Tiwari, P. (2021). Theoretical extensions of the New Education Policy 2020 using Twitter mining. Journal of Content, Community & Communication 13(1), 16-26. DOI: 10.31620/JCCC.06.21/03
9) Mehra, A., Paul, J. & Kaurav, R. P. S. (2021). Determinants of mobile apps adoption among young adults: theoretical extension and analysis, Journal of Marketing Communications, 27(5), 481-509.
10) Kaurav, R. P. S., Suresh, K. G., Narula, S. & Baber, R. (2020). New Education Policy, 2020: Qualitative (contents) analysis and Twitter mining (sentiment) analysis, Journal of Content, Community & Communication, 12(1), 4-13. DOI: 10.31620/JCCC.12.20/02
11) Kaurav, R. P. S., Paul, J., & Chowdhary, N. (2015). Effect of internal marketing on hotels: Empirical evidences for internal customers, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 16(4), 311-330.
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