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Prof. Pramod Chandra

Prof. Pramod Chandra

Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF), IIT Kanpur; PhD (Marketing), IIT Roorkee; MBA (Marketing) and B.Sc (Bio-Group), HNB Garhwal University (A Central University), Uttarakhand.


Contact: 011-46485533

Total Years of Experience

15 Years

Brief description of Experience

Pramod Chandra, is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at FORE School of Management. He is currently teaching elective courses on Consumer Behavior, Advertising & Brand Management, Services Marketing, and a core course on Marketing Management. Prof. Chandra also teaches Introduction to Research Philosophy and The Ontology and Epistemology of Sustainable Marketing for FPM scholars. Pramod Chandra was an Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) at IIT-Kanpur after completing his doctorate (PhD) from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. He has over 15 years of work experience in academia, research, and consultancy.

Chandra’s current research focuses on applying sustainable marketing practices and value chain concepts to building a scholarly foundation for a sustainable society and planet. Specifically, Prof. Chandra genuinely considers his social obligations while choosing his research area and always emphasizes pursuing socially responsible research. His past work has successfully explored sustainable strategic marketing prospects for the medicinal and aromatic plants and tourism businesses of Uttarakhand and India.

Prof. Pramod Chandra also served as a jury member for the Indian Railways Public Competition - “Innovation Challenge for ‘Identifying New Non-Fare Revenue Sources” conducted by the Research Designs and Standards Organisation (RDSO), Ministry of Indian Railways. In addition, Prof. Pramod Chandra is also associated with international academic bodies like the American Educational Research Association, Academy of Management, and International Institute of Qualitative Methodology as a reviewer for their well-reputed conferences, workshops, research, and grants proposals advisor. He is a member of the editorial board for Business Strategy and Development, an International Journal of ERP, and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Research Interest Areas

Strategic marketing, Marketing for sustainability, Sustainable advertising, Sustainable tourism in the Indian Himalayan Region, Medicinal and aromatic plants marketing and sustainability, Conservation marketing, & Value chain analysis.

Consulting Interest Areas

Strategy development through SWOT and QSPM analysis, Homestay tourism, Sustainable tourism, Value chain analysis, Branding of the natural resource business. Consumer behavior research.

Selected Publications

1) Chandra, P. (2023). Ingredient Branding for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: An Alternative Branding Strategy to Ensure Differentiation and Suppliers Empowerment. Business Strategy and Development, ahead of print, DOI: [Q1, ESCI, WOS, Scopus; IF – 3.0].
2) Chandra, P. (2023). Linking marketing imperfections to sustainable entrepreneurial prospects and sustainability: The case of Indian medicinal and aromatic plants businesses. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, ahead of print, DOI: [Q2, B Category - ABDC, ESCI, WOS, Scopus; IF – 2.7].
3) Chandra, P. & Kumar, J. (2021). Strategies for developing sustainable tourism businesses in the Indian Himalayan region: insights from Uttarakhand, the northern Himalayan state of India. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 19(C), DOI: [Q1, A Category - ABDC, SSCI, Scopus; IF - 7.158].
4) Chandra, P. & Kumar, J. (2021). Linking the medicinal and aromatic plants business to sustainable resource management and economic prosperity: A value chain analysis. Area Development and Policy, 6(4). DOI: [Q1, ESCI, Scopus].
5) Chandra, P. (2020). The medicinal and aromatic plants business of Uttarakhand: a mini review of challenges and directions for future research. Natural Resources Forum - a United Nations Sustainable Development Journal, 44(3), 274-285. DOI: [Q2, SSCI, Scopus; IF - 2.732].
6) Chandra, P. & Sharma, V. (2019). Marketing information system and strategies for sustainable and competitive medicinal and aromatic plants trade. Information Development, 35(5), 806-818. DOI: [Q1, SSCI, Scopus; IF - 2.079].
7) Chandra, P., Sharma, V., & Kant, S. (2019). From commodity to brand: The country-of-origin branding perspective for Indian medicinal and aromatic plants. Business Strategy and Development, 2(1), 4-12. DOI: [Q1, Web of Science; ESCI, Scopus].
8) Kant, S., Chandra, P., Sharma, V., & Agrawal, R. (2019). Gandhian management perspective for enhancing productivity and innovation in public sector organisation. International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, 6(1), 92-119. [Q4, C Category - ABDC; Web of Science; Scopus].
9) Chandra, P. & Sharma, V. (2018). Strategic marketing prospects for developing sustainable medicinal and aromatic plants businesses in the Indian Himalayan region. Small-scale Forestry, 17(4), 423-441. DOI: [Q1, SCIE, Scopus; IF - 1.778].
10) Kuniyal, C. P., Chandra, P. (Kuniyal, P. C.), Butola, J. S., & Sundriyal, R. C. (2013). Trends in the marketing of some important medicinal plants in Uttarakhand, India. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management (now known as Ecosystem and People), 9(4), 324-329. DOI: [Q1, Web of Science; ESCI, Scopus].
11) Chandra, P. (Kuniyal, P. C.) (2012). Success: Result of Intention and Learning. International Journal of Business Ethics in Developing Economies, 1(1), 66 -68. [Indian Citation Index].

Book Chapter Published

1.) Sharma, V. Chandra, P., and Agrawal R. (2019). Disasters and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs): Preparing Governance for Resilient MAP based Livelihood in Uttarakhand. In: Ha H., Fernando RLS. Mahajan SK (eds.) Disaster Risk Management: Case Studies in South Asian Countries. Business Expert Press, New Jersey, United States.

Paper Published in Conference Proceedings

1.) Chandra P., Sharma V., & Agrawal R. (2017). Marketing Strategy for Emerging Markets of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Conference of Emerging Markets Conference Board, IIM Lucknow (ISBN- 978-81-928560-2-5).
2.) Chandra P., Sharma V., & Agrawal R. (2016). Rural Economy & Livelihood from Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Trade: Compromising Sustainability in Uttarakhand, India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Trends in Business and Sustainability Research 2016, IIT Roorkee (ISBN- 978-93-84935-04-2).
3.) Chandra P., Sharma V., & Agrawal R. (2016). Sugarcane Medicinal Properties: A Mine of Potential Value Generation. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Convention of the STAI, the Sugar Technologists’ Association of India (ISBN- 81-85871-83-3).
4.) Sharma V., Agrawal R., & Chandra P. (2016). Religious to Spiritual Tourism Transformation Journey of Uttarakhand – A Hill State in India. Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AP16Mauritius Conference) at Port Louis, Mauritius (ISBN-978-1-943579-19-8).

Executive Education/MDPs

FORE School of Management has been designing, developing and conducting innovative Executive Education (EE)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for working executives in India for over three decades.