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Prof. Harsh Kumar Sachdev

Prof. Harsh Kumar Sachdev

B Tech Hons (Civil Engineering), PhD (Management)



Total Years of Experience

41 Years

Brief description of Experience

Dr. Harsh Kumar Sachdev is the Professor of PracRce (MarkeRng Area) at FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India.
He holds a ‘Bachelor of Technology’ Degree with Honours in Civil Engineering from GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (Nainital) and also a PhD in Management from University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun.
He has 41 years of Industry Experience including 37 years hands-on ‘operaRons and markeRng’ experience of working with Indian Oil CorporaRon (IOCL), a Fortune 500 company.
During his corporate journey, he & his teams made many accomplishments including ‘Winning an award for visit to US’; for 2nd Highest Lubricant sales in Western Region in 1999- 2000. Simultaneously, he has also remained associated with academics, as he has been a guest speaker at premier InsRtutes like IIM Trichy, RGIPT Amethi, IMI New Delhi and many others on different occasions. He has also been an Industry RepresentaRve for Curriculum Restructuring IniRaRve at IIM Ranchi in 2020.
He was also Member of IOCL Interview Commieees for campus selecRons (2016-18) at insRtutes such as IIM Ahmedabad, IIM-Calcuea, XLRI Jamshedpur, IIT-Delhi, FMS New Delhi, MDI Gurugram, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi, IMT Ghaziabad etc.
Post his superannuaRon as ExecuRve Director, Indian Oil CorporaRon in Nov 2020, he has had the opportunity of working as VP/Chair (ExecuRve EducaRon) in a leading academic InsRtuRon in NCR area. He was also Independent Director in a listed company from Aug 2022 to Jan 2024.
Most recently, he has also been on the Advisory Board of few Start-ups.

Research Interest Areas

Control Mechanism in Retail Petroleum Business in India, Employee Behaviour in PSUs, Improving producRvity etc

Consulting Interest Areas

Shut-down and Turn around acRviRes in Manufacturing Sector, Auto-Fuels and Lubricant markeRng.

Selected Publications

1) “Towards Effective Control Mechanism in Retail Petroleum Business in India”; International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) ; November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4.
2) “Fair Deal at Petroleum Outlets: Creating Value For Money for Customers in Marketing of Liquid Auto-Fuels in India”; Journal of Current Science; October 2018, Vol 19.

Executive Education/MDPs

FORE School of Management has been designing, developing and conducting innovative Executive Education (EE)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for working executives in India for over three decades.