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Prof. Sunanda Nayak

Prof. Sunanda Nayak

FPM, MDI Gurgaon; Master’s in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, Utkal University; Master’s in Sociology, Utkal University


Contact: 011-4648550565

Total Years of Experience

13 Years

Brief description of Experience

Dr. Sunanda Nayak holds a Doctorate (Fellow Programme in Management), a Master’s degree in personnel management with a specialization in HRM&IR and a Master’s degree in Sociology with having specialization in Industrial Sociology. She earned her FPM degree from MDI Gurgaon, India. She has 13 years of experience in both corporate and academic settings. Her research has been published in prestigious journals, including FT 50 and ABDC-listed journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics (JBE), International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), Harvard Business Review, Asian Business & Management (ABM), Thunderbird International Business Review (TIBR), International Journal of Manpower, and Aslib Journal of Information Management, among others. She also serves as a reviewer for several prestigious journals, including the JBE, International Journal of Hospitality Management (IJHM), Human Resource Management (HRM), Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ), Journal of Management &Organization, Evidence-Based Human Resource Management Journal, and the International Journal of Manpower,among others. She also serves as a case reviewer for Harvard Business Publishing.

Research Interest Areas

HRM, Expatriates, Knowledge Creation, E-commerce, Stress,Employee Behaviours, Diversity and Inclusion, Industrial Relations, and HR Analytics.

Consulting Interest Areas

HPWS, CBHRP, Total Reward, Workforce Planning, Employee Engagement, People Analytics, D&I

Selected Publications

1) Nayak et al (2025). Technostress of HR professionals: The darker implication of remote work transformations. International Journal Human Resource Management, Forthcoming (ABS 3,ABDC-A; Scopus-12.8)
2) Nayak, S. (2024). The Influence of Commitment-based HRM Practices on Work-family Balance.In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2024, No. 1, p.12800). AOM
3) Nayak, S., Pereira, V., Kazmi, B. A., & Budhwar, P. (2024). To Buy or Not to Buy? Exploring Ethical Consumerism in an Emerging Market-India. Journal of Business Ethics, 191(4), 811-835 (FT 50 Journal, ABS 3, ABDC-A; Scopus-11.7)
4) Nayak, S., & Budhwar, P. (2024). Social networking sites and employer branding: a qualitative study of Indian organizations. Asian Business & Management, 23(2), 237-265. (ABS-2)
5) Nayak et al., (2022) Commitment Based Human Resources Practices (CBHRP) And Knowledge Creation In Ambidextrous Organizations Thunderbird International Business Review, (Scopus-4.1, ABDC-B)
6) Nayak, S., Budhwar, P. (2022) Negative Effects of Enterprise Social Networks (ESNs) and Technostress: Empirical Evidence from R&D Centers in India. Aslib Journal of Information Management Journal.74 (5), 956-988. 0228 (Scopus-3.6,ABDC-B)
7) Nayak, S., Budhwar, P., Pereira, V., & Malik, A. (2021). Exploring the dark-side of E-HRM: a study of social networking sites and deviant workplace behavior. International Journal of Manpower. 43(1), 89 115. (Scopus-3.2, ABDC-A)
8) Nayak, S., Jena, D., & Patnaik, S. (2021). Mediation framework connecting knowledge contract, psychological contract, employee retention, and employee satisfaction: An empirical study. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 13, 18479790211004007. (Scopus1.9).
9) Nayak, S., & Bhatnagar, J. (2018). Case Study Are Our Customer Liaisons Helping Or Hurting? Harvard Business Review, 96(1), 147-151. (FT- 50 Journal/A*)
10) Nayak, S., Bhatnagar, J., & Budhwar, P. (2018). Leveraging social networking for talent management: an exploratory study of Indian firms. Thunderbird International Business Review, 60(1), 21-37. (Scopus-4.1, ABDC-B)
11) Nayak, S., & Bhatnagar, J. (2016). Impact of commitment-based HR practices on knowledge creation in ambidextrous organizations. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2016,No. 1, p. 16706). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
12) Nayak, Sunanda and Bhatnagar, Jyotsna (2016) “Theranos: Exploring the Value of Early Detection Of Diseases” (Case) with reference 316-0032-1, ECCH, UK.

Executive Education/MDPs

FORE School of Management has been designing, developing and conducting innovative Executive Education (EE)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for working executives in India for over three decades.