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Partial least Squares Structural Equation Modeling using SmartPLS Software

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Faculty Development Programme
Partial least Squares Structural Equation Modeling using SmartPLS Software
January 17 -18, 2024(Online Mode)
Programme Introduction:
In recent years, partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has gained considerable attention across a number of disciplines, including marketing, strategic management, human resource management, behavioral finance, etc. When Maximum Likelihood-based procedures (such as AMOS) do not fulfill the assumptions, partial least squares path modeling (PLS) can provide a suitable solution. As opposed to theory testing via covariance-based SEM (CB-SEM), PLS-SEM aims to explain variance (prediction-oriented character of the methodology). Furthermore, the PLS-SEM method allows for the unlimited incorporation of latent variables into the path model, which can be either reflective or formative.
Programme Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to contribute to theory by establishing a useful PLS path model, to provide a methodological introduction to the PLS-SEM approach, and to demonstrate how measurements and structural models are applied.
Programme Contents:
• Basics of Structural Equation Modeling
• Fundamentals of PLS-SEM: Difference Between Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modelling and   Partial Least       Squares Structural Equation Modeling.
• Reflective vs Formative Construct.
• Univariate and Multivariate Normality
• Measurement Model Assessment (Convergent & Discriminant Validity) and Common Method Biasness.
• Explanatory and Predictive Relevance, Blindfolding, and PLS Predict
• Structural Model Assessment (Path Analysis, Interaction Effect, and Bootstrapping Technique)
• Mediation, Moderation, and Multi-group analysis in PLS-SEM
• Higher-order construct in Smart PLS
• Important Performance analysis (IPMA) and Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis (CTA)
Programme Methodology
Participants in this workshop will obtain extensive hands-on experience with Smart PLS Software in an ONLINE environment. The discussion of concepts will be followed by practice sessions on computers. Interpretation and methodology will also be discussed in parallel.
Target Participants: 
Management/social sciences faculty members, research scholars, and industry representatives.
Dates and Duration of the Programme
January 17 -18, 2025, 2 days (12 Hrs)
Professional Fee of the Programme
Particulars                 Fees for(Online) (Rs.)
Faculty Members                      2360
Students/Research Scholars   1180
Corporate Executives               4720
Gst@18% included in fee amount, as applicable.
Programme Director
Prof. Ashutosh Pandey
Dr. Ashutosh Pandey earned his doctorate in Marketing from ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior. He holds a UGC-NET Management qualification and has worked in industry and academics for over eleven years. He has taught postgraduate and executive students about business research methods, advanced marketing research, services marketing, marketing management, consumer behavior, and structural equation modeling. His research has appeared in many prestigious journals, including Environment, Development, and Sustainability, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, and the International Journal of Tourism Cities. He has worked as a visiting professor at IMT Ghaziabad, the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) in New Delhi, and the Indian Institute of Travel and Tourism Management in Gwalior. Dr. Pandey has been a resource person for several qualitative and quantitative research workshops hosted at respected organisations such as NIT Allahabad, NIFTEM Sonipat and an invited speaker at the AICTE-sponsored Faculty Development Program
For registration/enquiries, please mail to or call at +91 9810875278 /+91-11-41242477

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