
                                           Admission in Full-Time Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) AY 2025-26. (Apply Online )  | Admission in Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM) AY 2025-26. (Apply Online )  | Application Open for NRI/NRI Sponsored Seats (Click Here )

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Effective Research in OB&HR Domain

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Programme Objectives:

This FDP aims at introducing and familiarizing researchers in the domain of OB& HR with new and contemporary research topics and research methods to inquire their areas of interest. It aims to discuss with the participants- ideas, readings, research, and develop an understanding and appreciation for the rapidly growing cross-functional research in the domain. The program focuses on developing the conceptual foundations and research acumen in the OB&HR domain by assisting understanding of theories, theoretical framework, research design and tools, and facilitating participants’ the research inquiry of their interest.

Key Takeaways:

  • Review newer areas of academic research in the discipline
  • Develop an understanding and appreciation for the rapidly growing cross-functional research in the domain.
  • Discuss the importance of underlying theories and methods used to study issues of interest.
  • Hands-on activities to discuss and learn to develop the research questions, research design, and methods.
  • Learn research tools (hands-on) used in the domain, with specific focus on Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).

Programme Methodology

Discussion; Hands on exercises/ activities

Who May Attend

Management Educators-including early-career professionals; Trainers and Researchers working in management schools, university departments, degree colleges, professional institutes.

Dates & Duration of the Programme

June 12-14, 2024 (10AM-12PM & 12:30PM - 2:30PM on each day)

Professional Fee of the Programme


Fee  for Online/Offline  (Rs.)

Faculty Members


Students/Research Scholars


Corporate Executives


Gst@18% included in fee amount, as applicable.

Programme Director

Prof. Prachi Bhat

Prof. Bhatt is Professor in Human Resource Management at FORE School of Management. She has a PhD and Masters in Human Resource Management (Gold Medalist). She is Certified in Negotiation Research and Teaching from the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA. She has over 12 years of research, teaching and training experience. She is also co-guide to PhD Scholars of reputed Universities in India. She is an active participant in conferences & seminars and has papers to her credit and has published in National and International peer-reviewed journals of repute. She has also co-authored a book titled “Riding the New Tides: Navigating the Future Through Effective People Management”, published by Emerald Publishing (India) in 2017. She also has to her credit book-chapters in the books published by Emerald Publishing (India), Bloomsbury Publishing houses. 

Her research experience and corporate association cover projects with Zydus Cadila Healthcare Ltd., Ahmedabad, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd, Anand, and Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi. She conducts FDPs and Workshops in the areas of interests mentioned below. She has designed and conducted Executive training programs, both customized and open programs, for corporate from public and private sector organisations. 

She is currently the Head of the Centre for Psychometric Testing & Research (CPTR) at FORE.

For registration/enquiries, please mail to or call at +91 9810875278 /+91-11-41242477


Executive Education/MDPs

FORE School of Management has been designing, developing and conducting innovative Executive Education (EE)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for working executives in India for over three decades.