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Cross Section and Panel Data Analysis for Research

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Programme Objectives:

The proposed Faculty Development Program aims to provide practical training to the researchers for the analysis of observed data using modern econometrics techniques. The program intends to impart an intuitive understanding of the estimation, inference, and model specification for cross-section and panel data analysis.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Simple Regression Model – The Ordinary Least Square Method
  2. Multiple Regression Analysis – Estimation, Inference, and Hypotheses Testing
  3. Multiple Regression Analysis – Model Specification, Omitted Variable Bias, Use of control Variables, Consequences of Over-Controlling, Quadratic and Interaction Terms.
  4. Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information: Single and Multiple Dummy Independent Variables, Interactions Involving Dummy Variables.
  5. Binary Dependent Variables – The Linear Probability Model.
  6. Structure of the Panel Data – How to prepare a data file for Panel Data Analysis, Within and Between Variances.
  7. Panel Data – Fixed Effects Regressions, Random Effects Regressions, Hausman Test Comparing Random Effects and Fixed Effects.
  8. Endogeneity Issues and Ratification – System GMM, 2SLS methods.

Programme Methodology

 Lectures, hands on training using MS Excel and Stata

Who May Attend

  • Research Scholars
  • Early Career Faculty Members of B-Schools
  • Research Analysts working on multi-firm multiple periods data.
  • Professionals and Executives indulged in the secondary data research.

Professional Fee of the Programme


Fees for  Programme(Online) (Rs.)

Faculty Members


Students/Research Scholars


Corporate Executives




Gst@18% included in fee amount, as applicable.

Programme Director

Prof. Himanshu Joshi

Over two decades of experience in teaching, training, and research at MBA/PGDM level. Currently working as Professor in Finance with FORE School of Management, New Delhi. Also, associated with Indian Institute of Management – Rohtak and Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs – Manesar as Visiting Faculty. Developed and conducted various executive education programs for corporates and PSUs on the following topics- Spreadsheet Modelling for Valuation, Enterprise Risk Management, Foreign Exchange Risk Management, and Financial Strategies for Value Creation. I have published research papers in peer reviewed journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, and listed in ABDC and ABS, and reviewed papers for publications like Sage, Wiley, and Emerald. I have also contributed in institution building activities by handling academic administration responsibilities such as - Professor in Charge - International Relations; Chair-Student Affairs; Chair-Computer Centre Advisory Committee; and Chair-Library Advisory Committee; Member-Staff Appraisal and Review Committee, Member-NIRF Committee.

For registration/enquiries, please mail to or call at +91 9810875278 /+91-11-41242477


Executive Education/MDPs

FORE School of Management has been designing, developing and conducting innovative Executive Education (EE)/ Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for working executives in India for over three decades.