Submission Guidelines

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Extended Abstract Submission Guidelines

The conference solicits only original, unpublished research papers, particularly relating to problems and situations in the management domain. All research papers will undergo a process of blind peer review. The extended abstract should be between 1200 and 1500 words, including a maximum of 8 relevant references. It should be typed on A4-sized paper using Times New Roman 14-point for headings, and 12-point for body text, single spaced. If a paper has multiple authors, at least one of the authors must register, in order for the paper to be presented at the conference, and considered for publication.

Format for Extended Abstract

The first page should include the research paper title, the domain, and author details with contact numbers and email addresses. The length of the extended abstract should be 4-8 pages (maximum). This limit includes the abstract (150 words), body of the text, figures, tables, and references. The extended abstract should include the following headings: Abstract, Keywords (3 to 4); Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.