
Pay Registration Fee

Registration Fee

Academics/Research Scholars/ Professionals from Embassy/Think Tank Rs. 1,180
Corporate Delegates Rs. 3,540
Foreign Delegates US $ 59

The registration fee is inclusive of an 18% GST


The conference was planned in the beginning of this year as an on-campus event, but will now be held in an online mode, given the prolonged uncertainty in domestic and international mobility caused due to Covid-19. Therefore, the registration fee has been duly reduced and mentioned here, and the abstract submission and registration dates have been accordingly extended.

Name of Beneficiary Account No (Saving) IFSC Code Bank Branch Address
FORE School of Management 910010002240661 UTIB0000015 Axis Bank Limited Green Park, New Delhi – 110016
110211003 AXISINBB015 DE81501108006231605392 (Required if payment is in EURO)

Registration fee is payable online or through demand draft drawn in favour of ‘FORE School of Management’, payable at ‘New Delhi’.