Academic Track: Within this overall theme, the main topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
- Technological Enablers of Frugality
- Synergies of Artificial Intelligence and Digitization with Frugal Innovation
- Frugal Business Models
- Frugal Approaches to Education and Healthcare
- Solving Urban Distress through Frugal Philosophy
- Psychological Attributes of Frugal Innovators/Teams
- Future of Planet and “Frugality”
- Social Contours of Frugal Innovation
- Roots of “Frugal” Philosophy and Perils of “Abundance”
- Ethnographical Accounts of Frugal Innovators
- Frugal Innovation for Business Sustainability
Practitioner Track: Within this overall theme, the main topics of the practitioner track include, but are not limited to:
- Urban Problems and Frugal Solutions
- Industry Specific Enablers and Challenges for Frugal Innovation
- Auto-ethnography/Autobiographical treatise on Frugal Innovation
- Accounting for Real Challenges on Field through “their” Stories
- Way Forward for Frugal Approach to Innovation