Healthcare Analytics

Healthcare Analytics and Its Importance in The New Age

The Covid-19 pandemic changed the healthcare paradigm thrusting it toward accelerated digitisation. With an increase in remote healthcare and telehealth calls, analytics in the healthcare industry will soon be the future of enhancing quality and progressions. It is, therefore, necessary to dig deeper into what is healthcare analytics, the types of healthcare analytics in practice, and why healthcare analytics is important for the industry’s growth. What is Healthcare Analytics? In simple terms, Healthcare analytics refers to the collection and analysis of data in the healthcare sector that fosters development and the decision-making process through insights. These insights can range from diagnosis to treatments to efficiency of healthcare providers and give… Read More

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An Introduction to Machine Learning, Its Importance, Types, and Applications

What is Machine Learning? A subset of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science, machine learning (ML) deals with the study and use of data and algorithms that mimic how humans learn. This helps machines gradually improve their accuracy. ML allows software applications to improve their prediction accuracy without being specifically programmed to do so. It estimates new output values by using historical data as input. Importance of Machine Learning In today’s technological era, machine learning has become an integral part of diverse industries and sectors. It is extremely important because it provides organisations with insights into trends in customer behaviour and business operating patterns, as well as assisting in the… Read More

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An Insight into Healthcare Analytics Course

Patients across the world are constantly demanding better care management in the healthcare system, which is one of the biggest industries. Every day, new data records are created, and it is getting increasingly difficult to effectively collect and analyse all of this data. All this data is being collected from diverse sources, including patients’ medical records, satisfaction surveys, medical facility usage statistics, and so on. This massive data necessitates the use of technology and tools to capitalise on it. A healthcare analytics course is precisely designed to harness the power of big data to improve quality, cost, and care in the healthcare domain. Let’s delve deeper to understand it better. What… Read More

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What is Fellowship Program in Management and Why It is Exceptional

What is Fellow Programme in Management? A full-time doctoral program, FPM or Fellowship Program in Management (FPM) at FORE School of Management offers studies in many domains of management and functional areas. The program prepares future scholars to become competent and innovative management researchers and teachers. Its goal is to prepare students for jobs as faculty members at prestigious academic institutions as well as professions outside of academia that require advanced research and analytical skills. FPM Eligibility Criteria The candidates are required to fulfil the following eligibility criteria to take admission in an FPM course. Please note that these criteria are indicative and may vary from one B-School to another. A post-graduate… Read More

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Data Science: Introduction, Advantages, and Future Scope

Introduction to Data Science Data rules the twenty-first century, and it is, in fact, the ‘blood’ of this technologically-driven era. The explosion of data on a global platform indicates that it will rule the globe in the coming years, kudos to the internet of things (IoT), digital media platforms, and smartphones. The recommendation engine is one of the most common applications of Data Science. Most individuals have probably observed that purchasing sites or OTT platforms frequently recommend products or series based on previous decisions. This is what precisely data scientists do. They create personalised recommendation charts with the use of an algorithm and customer behaviour. In today’s situation, the massive volume of data is… Read More

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