PGDM in Marketing: A detailed overview

Nowadays, opting for a post-graduate course is not just an option, but rather a mandate to foresee a successful career. With so many PGDM specializations available, it becomes truly difficult to choose for the aspirants. Although every field embraces its pluses, marketing specifically takes over as the leading preference for the candidates. Marketing is a vast domain wherein a person gets to explore his capabilities while learning and growing in the field. The responsibilities of a marketing manager don’t just stay restricted to introducing the product or selling a service, or strategizing and increasing the brand visibility but it enables a person to upscale a brand to newer heights by… Read More

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Some Must-Have Skills to Become a Successful Big Data Analyst

Looking around it is evident that many leading organizations across different domains are doubling down on advancing analytics and automation, to fetch and drive maximum benefits from their technological investments. As per a recent study by Analytics India Magazine, roles of a professional programmer or a data analyst are highly sought-after in the current job market and the professionals are earning almost 26% higher than an average software engineer in India, which remarkably shows the promising future it pertains. Data is everywhere and digital data specifically has a larger impact and is growing at a faster rate. Forbes, in an article, mentioned that “Data is growing faster than ever before… Read More

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Big Data Analytics: Why Does It Matter In Today’s World?

Big Data has been around for more than a decade now. Many companies understand the importance of capturing data, applying analytics, and obtaining significant values from it. Businesses heavily rely on big data analytics to uncover business insights and trends. Big data analytics also bring speed and efficiency to the table. Earlier, businesses first gathered information, ran analytics, and revealed information to make future decisions. But today, businesses can get insights for immediate decisions. Importance of Big Data Analytics Big Data analytics helps companies to use data to expand business by identifying new opportunities. This leads to efficient business operations, excellent customer experience, and higher profits. The following is the… Read More

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Everything You Need To Know About Executive PGDM in Delhi.

An executive PGDM program is a 15-months specialised course that aims at providing the candidates with academic exposure in the business environment. It is one of the best executive education programs and is frequently revised to incorporate the ongoing business trends in the course. The program enriches the candidate with the skills required to become competent industry leaders. Most executive programs are designed for middle-level professionals who want to advance their career by attaining leadership positions in their respective company or other organisation. The executive PGDM in Delhi is setting new benchmarks by helping the candidates take their career to a new level. The executive program is a unique opportunity… Read More

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Key Points to Keep in Mind While Choosing The Best PGDM College

The importance of a PGDM course is undeniable. The management course these days reigns supremely and is the most sought-after program among graduate students. However, the only question the candidates generally face is which institute to choose. Well, there are no universal rules which can help you choose the best PGDM College in India. However, the following are some key points that you should consider while taking PGDM admission: Ensure that the PGDM College has accreditation by the AICTE and Government of India. An educational qualification from an institute unrecognised by AICTE organisation is unrecognised. The institute should be equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure. The classroom should be well-equipped with the… Read More

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