Securing a Career in Market Research Analytics with the Right Opportunities

Big Data Analytics is the process of extracting the information required to make an informed decision. Big Data Analysts are required to extract the information with the use of tools and technologies that help the organisation’s efficiency. Big Data could uncover important information like emerging market trends, customers’ preferences, patterns of purchase and correlations between factors. Irrespective of their size, businesses around the world have started to utilise analytic tools to determine the importance of available data and its application in improving efficiency. However, to ensure that the extracted information is reliable and effective in generating revenue, there needs to be a human touch that can operate those tools to… Read More

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Stress is all around us. It has an impact on everyone and knows no bounds. While a modest bit of stress might inspire you to make great changes in your life, too much stress can make you feel unwell. Stress does play a role in a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. And, if left unchecked, too much stress can lead to physical health problems, including an increased risk of heart disease. The word “stress” means “pressure.” Workplace stress, family difficulties, and financial concerns are all possible causes. In either case, tension builds up in your body until you have pain and trouble doing everyday chores. Relevance… Read More

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Social media may help you construct a personal brand, build an image, and stand out in your field. Marketers from all professions utilise it as a major branding strategy. Owing to the numerous benefits it provides to one’s commercial and professional goals, personal branding on social media is becoming increasingly significant. Define Your Branding Objectives It is critical to establish what you want to accomplish with your brand. You must have a branding objective. Do you want to establish your own company? Or do you want to set your brand/products/services out from the competition? Or do you want to make more money by increasing your sales? Let’s assume you want… Read More

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Employee motivation is critical to a company’s success. It is the degree of dedication, energy and desire that a company’s employees bring to their work on a routine basis. Without it, businesses suffer from poorer productivity and are more likely to fall short of critical objectives. Employee motivation, on the other hand, is not always easy to come by; it is something that managers must cultivate and monitor. What is the definition of employee motivation? Employee motivation refers to a company’s employees’ degree of dedication, enthusiasm, and creativity during the workday. Maintaining and boosting employee motivation may be a challenge for businesses because not every activity will pique the attention… Read More

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How pursuing an executive education programme can facilitate career growth as business leaders

In today’s vastly technologically-driven business ecosystem, the demand for skilled professionals is consistently growing. Keeping up with these evolving requirements, organisations are encouraging their employees to re-skill themselves so their current knowledge base is upgraded as per the changing requirements. While most freshers who have graduated from leading B-schools of the country possess these skills, existing executives need to bridge this gap to facilitate their career growth.  What is Executive Education? Best management schools in India and other countries have recognised the skill gap in the requirement of the industry and the existing workforce. These executive courses concern a diverse range of topics ranging from negotiations, emerging technologies, leadership programmes,… Read More

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