Student Exchange Programme

Global Connections: Exploring Student Exchange Programme at FORE School of Management

In today’s connected world, it’s key to build global links and understand different cultures. The FORE School of Management in New Delhi established a strong student exchange programme. This programme not only gives students invaluable exposure but also offers lots of benefits that help them grow personally and professionally. Let’s explore the exchange program for students at FORE School of Management in terms of exposure, benefits, and selection criteria. Exposure              At FORE School of Management, the student exchange programme aims to give students a full view of different cultures, business ways, and study settings around the world. By teaming up with top schools globally, students can dive into new cultural settings,… Read More

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Understanding The 3 Components of Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Two decades ago, the concept of sustainability was largely identical with environmental friendliness. In the present day, it has evolved into a far more comprehensive notion. Contemporary sustainability now encompasses green practices, transparency, and circularity within supply chains. A sustainable supply chain is characterized by the complete incorporation of ethical and eco-conscious methods into a competitive and prosperous framework. The utmost importance lies in maintaining transparency throughout the entire supply chain, where sustainability endeavours should cover everything from the acquisition of raw materials to the final stages of delivery, and even include the procedures of product returns and recycling. Today, we are going to discuss the three most important components… Read More

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5 Compelling Reasons to Enroll in a Fellowship Program In Management

Over the last few years, each and every industry has witnessed tremendous growth and innovation. And to upgrade one’s lifestyle, it is important to seek better career opportunities that will not only pay well but also expand on their skill sets. Today, students wish to enhance their personalities, and for this, they may consider enrolling in a fellowship program in management. This can open up a wide variety of possibilities and help them build a lucrative and rewarding career for themselves.  So, if you are in a dilemma as to which course is the best, here are five reasons why a fellow programme in management eligibility can prove to be quite beneficial to… Read More

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Graduation Outcomes (GO) and It’s Role in Selecting the Right B-School

Students often find the task of assessing management institutes daunting. With more and more management education hubs springing up both offline and online, finding the best institute that matches a student’s girth is challenging. This is where graduate learning outcomes play an integral role in gauging a university’s excellence in education. What are Graduation Outcomes?   You might have heard of the terms Input, Process, and Output in relation to computers. A similar practice is applied when evaluating Graduation Outcomes (GO) in B-schools. Graduation outcomes is a statistical survey of Institutions based on the capability of the students graduating. In this case, input refers to the students enrolling, the process is… Read More

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A Futuristic Career in Dynamic Management Education : 3 Top Trends that would transform the Industry & Learning

Management as Science emerged back in the early 20th century and focused on productivity and performance through standardization, division of labour and hierarchy. In the 1970s, the focus changed to resource allocation and tools like Strategic Planning (G.E.), Growth-Share Matrix (BCG) and SWOT to formalize decisive planning processes. Benchmarking and business process reengineering became prevalent in the 1990s, and by the 2000s, organisations started to focus on using technology for creation driven under the influence of Big Data. Scope: India & Global Global competition is transforming the relationship between management education and business. The accelerated technological changes, while making transactions more seamless, will augment the process of global integration. It… Read More

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